z Indic Accelerationism

A vision for continued socio-economic leapfrog in India via human coordination and technological advancement



We live in a time of extraordinary potential. Technology, when harnessed effectively, can radically transform societies and uplift the quality of life for billions. For India, with its unique blend of cultural diversity, rich heritage, and untapped human potential, the advent of digital transformation holds remarkable promise.

"Indic Acceleration" represents our commitment to employ the profound power of technology for accelerating India's progress, thereby elevating our society to new heights. It is not only imperative to aim to capitalize the potential inherent in current times, but also to do it in a manner that is not a mindless copy of playbook of existing models. The insights from the past experiences and civilization learnings are to be treated as well as the new ideas incorporated towards progress and growth in real sense.

Our aim is to utilize advancements in artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, big data, and other tech innovations to speed up India's socio-economic growth, reduce corruption, streamline the judicial system, and encourage overall development.

To degrow or to accelerate?

The dichotomy of degrowth vs. accelerationism might be a forced one. What we want is to degrow our impact on ecology, while accelerating civilization.

We need to do so sustainably, and not to serve hedonistic consumerism. We need to respect ecology and internalize the 'externalities'.

We need to do so inclusively, with as much federated ownership of capital as possible. Either bring the rate of return parity between labour and capital; or allow labour to translate to capital ownership as early as possible.

We need to better velocity of money for sponsoring more opportunities to turn labour into inclusive capital, sustainably, avoiding the trap of consumerism.

We need to free the free markets from the clutches of crony consumerists - sometimes masquerading as central planners, other times as sales and marketing professionals. More transparency and accountability.

We need to respect the uncertainty of complexity and have simpler, interoperable heuristics for human coordination and consensus.

Political will and technocratic infrastructure for any policy are like chicken and egg. One can manifest the other in existence for real change. Managing that change is equally crucial.

Build upon the philosophy of #IndiaStack, Digital Public Infrastructures (DPI), Interchain/Cosmos, Complexity Economics, and Doughnut Ecological Economics. We live in a time of extraordinary potential. Technology, when harnessed effectively, can radically transform societies and uplift the quality of life for billions. For India, with its unique blend of cultural diversity, rich heritage, and untapped human potential, the advent of digital transformation holds remarkable promise.

"Indic Acceleration" represents our commitment to employ the profound power of technology & first principles for accelerating India's progress, thereby elevating our society to new heights.

India's market liberalization in 1991 was only the beginning of the journey. We as a nation are still grappling with the spaghetti code of conduct from the central planner's era. Refactoring has only just begun. Indic acceleration, thus, will also involve research mediation, policy advocacy and technocratic solution building.

We want to build a fraternity of collaborators & builders. We want to contribute towards a more open, interoperable, sovereign, federated, inclusive, sustainable, marketable, monetizable infrastructure for capital building by human coordination & consensus.

Inspired from Bharat G20 2023 motto, we want to Accelerate/One Earth, Include/One Family, Sustain/One Future.


Accelerate the following metrics as soon and as holistically, inclusively, sustainably as possible:

  • GDP Growth / Accelerate
  • Gini's Coefficient / Include
  • Doughnut Metrics / Sustain
In an ideal world, these set of holistic metric should replace the significance that is currently enjoyed by just GDP alone. We want align national as well as private capacity building towards these 'north-stars'.


Improve Governance to mitigate
  • Corruption
  • Complexity
  • Rent Seeking

Accelerate Civilization
  • Sustainably
  • Inclusively
  • Openly

Build Civility by ensuring
  • Trust & Safety
  • Contract Enforcement
  • Timely Delivery of Justice

Universalize Opportunities via
  • Open Education & Skill Development
  • Digital & Public Infrastructure
  • Entrepreneurial Ecosystem & Capacity Building


Pillars represent the kind of projects or tasks you can volunteer for:

  • Research Mediation (Ānvīkṣikī)
  • Design Proposals (Kalpanā)
  • Policy Advocacy (Nītivāda)
  • Change Management (Yojanā)
  • Build & Execution (Nirmāṇa)
  • Deployment & Operations (Vyavahāra)
  • Marketing & Consultation (Saṃvāda)


In conclusion, we believe that technology should be seen not just as a tool but as a fundamental building block for the future of India. Indic Acceleration is our pledge to build an India that is modern, inclusive, and sustainable, a nation that balances technological advancements with its rich cultural heritage. Our aim is to utilize advancements in artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, big data, and other tech innovations to speed up India's socioeconomic growth, reduce corruption, streamline the judicial system, and encourage overall development. This is our manifesto for an enlightened and empowered India, an India that leads the world not just in technology, but in wisdom, compassion, and progress.
Some Project Ideas

I. Reducing Corruption

Corruption is a social disease that hinders the healthy growth of any nation. We believe that by harnessing the power of blockchain and AI, we can inject more transparency and accountability into systems. A decentralized, transparent digital ledger can help track and validate transactions, making bribery and fraud significantly more difficult. AI can be used to analyze patterns and predict potential fraud before it occurs.

II. Accelerating Civilization

To harness the potential of our civilization, we will integrate digital technology into every aspect of life. This will include education, healthcare, agriculture, infrastructure, and energy. We aim to create a digital-first society where access to information and services is democratized, enhancing overall productivity and facilitating India's leap into a digitally empowered future.

III. AI in Judiciary

The Indian judicial system, burdened by a vast backlog of cases, is in desperate need of a revamp. Leveraging AI in judiciary can help expedite legal proceedings, reduce manual workload, and offer a more efficient system, thus helping set up a robust mechanism for protecting civil rights of all Indians.

Digitization efforts have accelerated recently, including case information software, national judicial data grid, and e-filing of case documents. An AI-driven system trained with these digitized case history and judgement documents can help strengthen jurisprudence (prevent different courts giving contradictory judgements in similar cases), analyze legal documents swiftly, sort and prioritize cases, and even offer decision-making support. Irrefutable facts like proof of provenance can be managed in a tamper proof, decentralized digital ledger.

IV. Education and Skill Development

We envisage a future where every Indian, regardless of their socio-economic status, has access to quality education. Through digital platforms, we can democratize learning and provide equal opportunities for everyone. AI-driven personalized learning can help cater to individual learning styles, offering a more effective education.

V. Smart Infrastructure

Reducing Infrastructure Corruption: Infrastructure projects often become breeding grounds for corruption due to their complex, multifaceted nature and lack of transparency. AI-driven monitoring and blockchain technology can ensure the full transparency of processes, from tender bidding to project completion. This will also enable the early detection of anomalies, misappropriation of funds or materials, and other signs of corruption.

  • Intelligent Transportation Systems Leveraging AI, we aim to optimize road usage, reducing congestion and improving safety. Real-time data analysis can aid in traffic management, predictive maintenance, and accident prevention. Connected and autonomous vehicles can further streamline transport, leading to fewer accidents and more efficient use of roads.

  • Smart Tolls Automated toll collection systems powered by AI and IoT can streamline toll operations, reducing wait times, and improving efficiency. These systems can also prevent revenue leakage, ensuring that all funds collected contribute to the maintenance and improvement of the roadways.

  • Predictive Maintenance AI can help monitor infrastructure, predicting potential faults before they lead to costly repairs or dangerous failures. For instance, sensors placed on roads, bridges, and buildings can provide data to AI models that predict when maintenance will be required, extending the life of these structures, and improving public safety.

  • Healthcare With a median age of 28.2, India has a relatively young population. Despite this, the country's healthcare infrastructure remains in a nascent stage and is largely inadequate. India has only 0.7 physicians, 1.7 nurses, and 0.5 hospital beds per 1,000 people. In contrast, China, a country with a similar population size, boasts 2.2 physicians, 3.1 nurses, and 4.3 hospital beds per 1,000 people.

  • This disparity highlights a significant opportunity to build in various aspects of healthcare which include preventive healthcare such as better diagnostic tools, promoting a fitness-oriented lifestyle(better fitness trackers), and critically, improving the current non-existent healthcare infrastructure(better med/nursing schools, hospitals, better and more equipements).

Built by: @suhasasumukh • Preamble/Manifesto written by: @protosphinx